
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Arkansas River below Pueblo Resevoir

                On Tuesday, November 20th 2012, my roommate Nick, my buddy Ryan and I fished below Pueblo Resevoir dam. We started fishing around 10 a.m. on a very nice sunny day. We started fishing for trout with Jigs we tied ourselves and did not have any bites all morning. We were using spinning rods/reels again with six pound line. We fished up towards the dam and did not get a bite. Nick had one fish follow his jig to the bank but didn't get a bite.
                We changed our bait and put on salmon eggs with a hook and bobber. We floated the eggs down the river using current but did not get any bites. We crossed paths with two fly fisherman who said that they had caught no fish all day. We continued fishing till around 2 p.m. then we had to give up and go to wrestling practice.
         Although we didn't catch any fish I had a good time fishing with my friends. The river below the dam seems to get quite a bit of fishing pressure. Every time I fish down there I always see several people fishing. There is also quite of bit of trash and litter around the river. My roommate nick found a dead duck on the shore and who knows trash may be the cause of its death.

Pueblo Reservoir

                I have fished Pueblo Reservoir several times over the past couple months and haven't had very good luck. After a couple trips of fishing for large mouth bass i decided to change it up and fish for green eared sunfish(perch). The tackle used this time was spinning rods/reels, six pound line, a hook, bobber and worms(night crawlers).
              That day I went fishing with my other roommate Adam and our neighbor Kelly. Fishing was slow at first until we moved back into one of the many coves of the lake. I was the first one to hook a perch Kelly and Adam had several bites before this but was struggling to hook the fish. After I caught my perch Adam caught one shortly after followed by Kelly. We only fished for a couple hours in the evening time then it got dark and we went home.

             Pueblo Reservoir is one of the bigger lakes around southern Colorado and it gets used quite a bit by recreational boaters. During the summer time its heavily used by people water skiing, wake boarding, tubing, and jet skiing. The water appears very dirty and has a lot of trash around the edges. It seems a better spot to enjoy recreational boating than fishing.

Brush Hallow Lake, Arkansas River near Florence, co

              On Sunday, November the 25th 2012, my roommate Nick and I went fishing to Brush Hallow lake here in southern Colorado. We arrived early in the morning around 8 a.m. we fished for trout and large mouth bass most of the morning.We did not have a boat so we walked around the edge of the lake on foot. We were using spinning rods with six pound fishing line(p-line brand). We used various types of trout fishing jigs that we tied ourselves. The lake is clear and has a beautiful scenery, but had quite a bit of trash around the edges which leads me to believe the lake is over fished by locals. Nick was the only person to get a bite all morning so we decided to change spots around 11 a.m.
              We decided to go fish the Arkansas river around Florence, Colorado. In town there are several pull off fishing spots on the side of the highway. We walked down the sides of the river fishing with the same jigs that we had been using earlier that we had tied the night before. The river has several nice deep holes to fish both north and south of the bridge.

           Nick caught the first fish it was a nice size brown trout and it ended the fish drought. Soon several minutes later I hooked into the second fish of the afternoon it was another brown trout. unfortunately these two fish were the only fish caught that afternoon because shortly after Nick and I had wrestling practice. I hope to return back to the Arkansas river soon to do some more fishing for brown trout.  


What this blog is about

               Fishing southern Colorado is a blog about my recent fishing trips, fishing tips, photos, and thoughts on the fishing around southern Colorado. All of the spots that I will be fishing or have fished at will be public fishing areas. Most of the time I will be fishing for trout of various species including, brown, rainbow, cut throat, and brook trout. Although most of the spots that I will be fishing at will have more than just trout in the lake or river.
               Some of the other species of fish in southern Colorado include large mouth bass, small mouth bass, channel catfish, walleye, crappie, green eared sunfish(perch), and white bass(sand bass). Lakes like Pueblo reservoir have more species of fish simply because of the size of the lake and many of the lakes are stocked by local game and fish agencies.
             I am currently a college student so its hard to get out and fish all the time, but when I do I enjoy taking a friend along to enjoy the outdoors and the experience of fishing. Over this last thanksgiving break I went fishing several times and also rock climbing. Southern Colorado is very beautiful during this time of the year and it made for a great thanksgiving break.