
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What this blog is about

               Fishing southern Colorado is a blog about my recent fishing trips, fishing tips, photos, and thoughts on the fishing around southern Colorado. All of the spots that I will be fishing or have fished at will be public fishing areas. Most of the time I will be fishing for trout of various species including, brown, rainbow, cut throat, and brook trout. Although most of the spots that I will be fishing at will have more than just trout in the lake or river.
               Some of the other species of fish in southern Colorado include large mouth bass, small mouth bass, channel catfish, walleye, crappie, green eared sunfish(perch), and white bass(sand bass). Lakes like Pueblo reservoir have more species of fish simply because of the size of the lake and many of the lakes are stocked by local game and fish agencies.
             I am currently a college student so its hard to get out and fish all the time, but when I do I enjoy taking a friend along to enjoy the outdoors and the experience of fishing. Over this last thanksgiving break I went fishing several times and also rock climbing. Southern Colorado is very beautiful during this time of the year and it made for a great thanksgiving break.

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